FCI flow meters are of a rugged, high quality that provide accurate and repeatable measurements for industrial process applications.
FCI has more than 50 years experience and has the world’s largest installed base of thermal flow meters, flow switches and level switches.
Thermal mass flow meter technology utilizes the relationship between flow rate and cooling effect for direct measurement of mass flow. With no moving parts and minimal invasiveness, thermal flow meters provide a highly repeatable, accurate, low cost, easy to install solution for every type of air and gas flow measurement.
Order your flowmeter.
We have decades of extensive experience with flow instruments.
Get design, drawings, specification, installation and troubleshooting advice.
Thermal Mass Flow Meters.
Thermal dispersion technology places two thermowell protected platinum RTD temperature sensors in the process stream. One RTD is heated while the other senses the actual process temperature. The temperature difference between these sensors is measured and is proportional to the mass flow rate of the fluid. FCI provides flow meters suitable for applications in pipes and ducts, as small as 1/4 inch [6mm] to the largest of stacks.
Featuring precision, surface-mount, RoHS compliant electronics with industry leading functions, AST, communication capabilities, with un-matched agency approvals and certifications. Standard analog outputs like 4-20mA or pulse, or digital bus communications of HART, Foundation Fieldbus, PROFIBUS, Modbus and more. Transmitter enclosures are industry’s most rugged and tested, and carry global agency approvals that ensure longest service life and safe operation in the most demanding process and plant applications.
Agency approvals from FM, FMc/CSA, ATEX, IECEx, EAC, NEPSI, Inmetro, UKEX, ECAS, and more, and industry or country specific pedigrees such as SIL (IEC 61508), CRN, PED, AMS per EN15267 (QAL1), CEMS and more.
ST Series Flow Meters
Thermal Air/Gas mass Mlow Meters

ST51/ST51A Mass Flowmeter
Biogas, Digester Gas, Methane, Mixed Composition Gases, Fuel Gases

ST75V Mass Flowmeter

ST80/ST80L Mass Flowmeter

ST100A Mass Flowmeter

ST100AL Mass Flowmeter

ST112AA Mass Flowmeter
Insertion, dual-element averaging system with VeriCal™ capability
Any gases, line sizes ≥12" [305 mm], with dual elements, with VeriCal
FS10i Thermal Mass Flow Meters
Thermal Flow Meters for air, compressed air, or natural gas.

FS10i Air/CA Flowmeter
Inline and Insertion Thermal Flow Meter
Air, Compressed Air, Flow meter

MT Series Multipoint Thermal Mass Flow Meters
Large line size, and ducts multipoint air/gas mass Flow Meters.

MT100 Series Multipoint Thermal Mass Flowmeters
Up to 8 points, high accuracy, best-in-class transmitter/electronics

MT100 Series Multipoint Thermal Mass Flowmeters

MT100 Series Multipoint Thermal Mass Flowmeters
Complies with EU AMS per EN 15267 (QAL1) emissions monitoring and reporting regulations.

Compressed Air Flow metering
ST50 Air flow meter

Compressed Air Usage
ST50 Wet Air flow metering, at brewery

WWTP Aeration Control
ST50 aeration control to wastewater treatment plant

Thermal Oxidiser
ST100A process exhaust monitoring

SIL 1 Compliant, Ex rated
Multivariable LCD display, insitu dry calibration validation self test

We're your trusted experts!
We have decades of extensive experience with flow instruments.
Get design, drawings, specification, installation and troubleshooting advice.
Get in touch
IRL 01 484 7832
UK 020 3946 3242
[email protected]
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